In the Blink of An Eye

Oh yes, time flies when you’re having fun. C is almost 5 months old! J is already 17 months (although he looks older despite the lack of hair). And B, who is 3, has already begun channeling a teenager being moody, staying up late (building robots in his crib), and sleeping in until 9 if we’d let him! But all in all, everything is great. I need to do a better job writing things down. I feel as though I missed out on all of last year. It’s hard to believe this time last year I was getting a sonogram for my pregnancy with C! That won’t happen again I really do plan to buckle down with a good weekly update, and hopefully daily snippets. The things that the boys are saying and doing and learning really does amaze me. I don’t want to miss any more of it on “paper”! So stay tuned. There’s more to come!
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